About Me

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DIVA.... When I think of DIVA, I think of a queen, princess, goddess or just one who thinks very highly of themselves, but that was because I was looking at DIVA through my natural eyes. Spiritually, I found out that a DIVA is more than the clothes and the jewelery that one wears, the house one lives in or the car one drives. When I look at the word DIVA, I thought about "Divine"......Emanating from God, of, relating to or proceeding directly from God,Supremely good or beautiful. A DIVA pertains to the God in you, the God in you makes you beautiful on the outside as well, you will sparkle with glow that emanates from you. Who Am I? I am a D.I.V.A.S..... A Divinely Inspirational Virtuously Anointed Sister, I have paid the price to earn this title, rather than being prideful, I was/am clothed in humility. You can't buy me, because I was already bought with a price. I am a woman of character and a woman of wisdom, I don't need to think highly of myself because others do it for me. I don't crave attention, it comes naturally and when others are drawn to me, it's an opportunity to minister to them, so as you can see my desire is to please God and Bless others.

Monday, April 25, 2011

You Are My All

God has allowed in the lives of each of us 

some sort of loss, the withdrawal of something we valued, in order that we may learn to offer ourselves a little more willingly. 
Thus, we’ll know fullness,  freedom  and joy that much sooner come to happen. 
All we need to do is be submissive to His will and all things will come to it’s proper place.

“I consider everything a loss compared to
the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus,
my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all
things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ.”
Philippians 3:8

Please remember that in order for us to come to God totally, we must free ourselves from all impurities, drop off the garbage along the way, lose the habits that are not pleasing to God, it's then that you can freely give yourself away so that God can use you....Be Bless and know that I love you all.